
Reproductive Reflexology

Some couples struggle to get pregnant, and this can be very stressful and emotionally draining. This, in turn, can impede the couple’s chances of conceiving.

Reproductive Reflexology treatments practiced at The Healing Place are designed to treat all areas of male and female fertility, to include natural and assisted conception.

The treatments are specifically designed to help men and women reach a balance in their fertility/sperm cycles and hormone levels to optimise ovulation and help through pregnancy.

Many couples have found Reproductive Reflexology treatments and the holistic approach very helpful. All treatments are bespoke and tailored to meet every couple’s requirement.

What to expect at your first appointment

At first appointment, a detailed, medical full consultation is taken. An individual conception treatment program will be recommended and fully discussed based on individual requirements.

Reproductive Reflexology is a specialised form of Reflexology designed to help conception. In order to achieve this, a holistic approach is taken to correct hormonal imbalances, a nutritional assessment to help with physical conditions and talking therapies to manage stress levels.

Reproductive Reflexology has been used as a stand-alone treatment to enhance natural fertility and help with all forms of assisted conception including Clomid, IUI, IVF and ICSI. Couples seeking Surrogacy or egg retrieval for IVF have also found these treatments very helpful.

Reproductive Reflexology can:

  • Help regulate menstrual cycle to encourage ovulation.
  • Help with assisted conception treatments, such as IVF, IUI or ICSI
  • Helps conception despite PCOS or endometriosis

A Success Story of Restoring Fertility

A 32-year-old woman overcame Hypothalamic Amenorrhea and PCOS to achieve fertility through a holistic approach. Hypothalamic Amenorrhea is a condition that occurs when the hypothalamus, a gland in the brain, stops producing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) which causes irregular or absent menstrual periods.

  • Initial Diagnosis and Treatment: The client was diagnosed with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea and PCOS, leading to irregular menstrual cycles since June 2023. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was initially recommended but proved ineffective.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Significant lifestyle changes included switching to a less stressful job, altering diet, and modifying exercise routines to manage stress and support hormonal balance.
  • Holistic Treatment and Results: The client adopted a holistic treatment plan involving Auricle Acupuncture, traditional Acupuncture, Reproductive Reflexology, and lifestyle changes, which eventually restored her menstrual cycles and led to a successful pregnancy due in 2025. (Read full story)
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